

there’s a surprising lack of

punctuation in poetry these

days when jose drinks whisky

he gets ‘unaccommodatingly drunk’

this is not unaccommodating i think

my recommended videos is all

just noam chomsky talking about

pot what does this say about me

i’ve tried so deliberately to have

talking heads here 16 times

i can’t believe nick40nick40 wants

me to watch this abhorrent slideshow

what i’m not even listening to his

music do i progress too quickly

in these poems or is that itself

indicative of something else

i can’t believe i’m questioning

my own self why i have a woman

next to me piz buin nude in the

windowed sun foist is the word

of the day saturday june 04 2011

film noir is a medium in which

fatalism is often prevalent

young adults are invariably just

one or the other why i’m not

sure i'm even attracted to her
