

response to http://yorgosloizos.tumblr.com/spatial-decadence-11 for http://www.facebook.com/yorgos.loizos

this poem has to be about television

roy liechtenstein told me that before

i’d even defined my ‘high school days’

with the arthritis we call 1950s america

if you were to ask me about the subject

today though i’d quote shows such as

twin peaks dexter and black books and

perhaps imagine watching them with a

girlfriend and bottle of red wine let

me take you upstairs and show you some

thing you’ll never have seen before

(basic information: gender = male)

i’ll tell you what i’ve always been much

more into films though more specifically

american films that feed off of french

new waves films that feed off of american

films with a little bit of the abject

though just to show you i sympathise let

me take you upstairs and show you some

thing you’ll never have seen before

(add as friend? lives in london, uk)

it’s hard to say what kind of girls i

like but i guarantee that they’ll like

to snuggle up after and read all the

books that pete doherty likes and if this

poem seems to be regressing into some 90s

brit pop hit i can assure you it’s not it

was always going to be some sort of sonic

youth drawl couldn’t you tell from the

first line imagine listening to pearl

jam during oh i oh i’m still alive let

me take you upstairs and show you some

thing you’ll never have seen before

(add as friend? from seattle, washington)

thinking about it some more i’ve realised

this poem is actually all about materiality

that explains all the desperate marrying

of fin-de-siecle and the red scare who’d

have thought i’d be sitting here in 2011

talking about the listlessness of modernism

like the way gingerbread is just fantastic

but goes a bit soggy and rotten when old

like that stuff you always see sellotaped

up in supermarkets anyway girl let me just

take you upstairs and show you something

you’ll never have seen before i’ve almost

told you everything about myself and what

are your views on the legacy of henry ford

(information withheld)